Tuesday, June 27, 2006

When do you think Clay's sophomore album will be launched? A poll...

Hello everyone,

The talk of the online Clay fandom these days is: when will Clay launch his new CD? So of course, I had to set up my own Blogpoll poll to see what you think/predict.

As usual, you will find the poll at the top right-hand column of my blog, with these 5 possible responses:

- July
- August
- September
- In time for the holidays
- Soonnn, pleeeaaassse! (I couldn't resist this one!)

I'll keep the poll up until Clay releases his new CD next week... oops! Next month... Uhhhhh... Well, we'll see how long! ;-)

Have fun.

-- ClayKat
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Monday, June 26, 2006

Life after ATCA - featuring ClackUnlimited.com

As I mentioned in a post last May, All Things Clay Aiken (often referred to as "ATCA") closed down on May 31st. Among other things, ATCA was an incredible source of clack (Clay-related downloadables such as MP3s, videos, photos, links to interviews on TV and radio, etc.).

When one visits ATCA's Web page now, one sees the following notice: "The ClackHouse has stepped up to take over for ATCA and has opened a public clack site at ClackUnlimited.com. Yay! It is quite amazing: one can find MP3s from Clay's AI2 days, pre-Idol days, his numerous concerts in many cities, videos, fan montages and much more.

I had no idea, but learned that it costs thousands of $ per month to run and maintain such a Web site. So please contribute when using ClackUnlimited.com - one can make a monthly donation or a one-time donation, through PayPal. It's easy: find out how on the home page of ClackUnlimited.com.

Congrats and thanks to the ClackHouse for stepping up and taking over, making so much great Clay material available to the fans!

-- ClayKat
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

"How do you feel about Clay's new hairdo?" - Poll results

Hello everyone,

If memory serves me well, it has been exactly one month since the American Idol 5 finale where we first saw Clay sporting his new hairdo. Soon after, I posted a Blogpoll to gauge your reaction - although from what I had seen and heard in the days following, I was already pretty sure of the answer. :-)

To the question "How do you feel about Clay's new hairdo?", I offered four possible responses:

- I love it!
- I don't care what his hair does - I love the man no matter what
- I like it, but it'll take some getting used to
- I hate it - bring back the spiky dirty blonde locks!

As I expected, the majority (64%) of the 228 respondents indicated that they love Clay's new hairstyle. Although I thought the percentage would be higher. You can see the complete results below:

Choices of responses


Number of votes

I love it!



I don't care what his hair does - I love the man no matter what



I like it, but it'll take some getting used to



I hate it - bring back the spiky dirty blonde locks!



Total votes



In my case, I notice that my opinion has changed over the last month. In my post about the new haircut, I said that I didn't like it much and that I preferred his natural, lighter colour and spiky, short hair. But I have to say that Clay's new look has been growing on me... In any case, it doesn't matter to me what he looks like, because his heart and soul always come through his smile, his voice and his sparkling eyes, regardless of his hair!

-- ClayKat

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Will Clay attend game 7 of the Stanley Cup playoffs in Raleigh tonight?

Hello everyone,

Tonight, my hubby and I will both be watching the seventh and final game of the Stanley Cup hockey playoffs - but for very different reasons. He will be watching the action on the ice (the game pits the Edmonton Oilers against the Carolina Hurricanes). Although I will undoubtedly also be drawn into the excitement of the game itself, given the series is at 3-3, I will particularly be watching with the hope of catching a glimpse of Clay Aiken in the audience! :-)

He attended game 5 last Wednesday night in his home town of Raleigh, North Carolina, and tonight's final game is back in Raleigh... Here's hoping, right, Clayfandom!

As far as who I'm cheering for - that's a toughie! I'm Canadian, so I would go for the Oilers, but on the other hand, the Hurricanes are Clay's team, plus they are the underdog, never having won the Stanley Cup (correct me if I'm wrong). And I always root for the underdog in life (that's one of the reasons I love Clay, because he does that too).

For the one or two fans who haven't yet seen Clay's pix at last Wednesday's game, you can find them in this article on Clay's Daily Double. Very sweet! I have to admit, the new haircut is growing on me. :-) But then, no matter what his hair looks like, Clay will always be a cutie in my eyes, because of his big, gorgeous smile and his bigger heart!

-- ClayKat
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Friday, June 16, 2006

Oh no! I missed a supper for Clay fans in my city!

Double darn! I discovered late this evening that yesterday, there was a supper gathering of Clay fans here in my city!! The invitation had been posted on The Clayboard and I learned of it from a post on Clay's Daily Double - Ads/News June 15th.

I missed it!! :-( If I had known in time, I could have made it - would have cancelled what I had planned for yesterday evening. Oh well! That'll teach me to check the Clayboard more often... I just registered officially for an EZboard account, so I'll get into the habit now.

There will be a next time to meet Claymates in person, I'm sure. And I'm looking forward to it, because although a number of you have written to me through comments on my blog, I have never actually met a fan of Clay Aiken in person! Amazing eh? Except of course my fellow Jukebox Tour concert attendees, last summer (you can read here, here and here my three-part post describing my first and only - but not last I hope! - Clay concert experience).

I can't wait to meet other Clay fans, because people around me, including my family, just don't get it... They don't get Clay's "IT factor", so they find my passion about the man and his music quite mysterious. But I know that other fans will understand, as I understand them in their devotion to Clay.

Here's to meeting some of you sometime soon! A CD launch party in the Montreal area, perhaps? :-)

-- ClayKat
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"Good News" - let's smile, The ClayBlog's here!

Hello everyone,

My goodness it has been a while! Usually I try to post once a week, but what with my hubby's birthday last weekend and crazy amounts of work recently, plus the multiple events in a few teenagers' lives that keep me busy... well, it was impossible before today.

In my occasional few free minutes here and there, I have been touring the blogosphere and the net in general, though, especially - of course - on the lookout for anything Clay Aiken. And there is lots!

I would like to share with you a blog which for me is what I would call here in Québec a "coup de coeur" (literally, a "blow to the heart"), which translates as something like: "favourite" or "special hit". That is The ClayBlog. Yesterday, the author posted "Why I Care about Clay". I truly enjoyed reading her post - and I get it! She writes "...the first thing that hit me was The Voice. THAT VOICE. Words cannot really describe it. If it hits you, you know. It's a voice that drills a hole into your soul and touches you." Let me say: "I know"! I so know about that feeling, which I get time and time again when, after listening to other singers, I come back to Clay and just feel so much love and peace in my soul, through his voice and his spirit which reach out to all.

The ClayBlog did her own montage on Clay, to music by Jewel - and it is great! She said it was her first montage - hopefully not her last! I won't embed it here since it is her own creation and I think due credit should be given, if only by visits to her blog; check it out by going to this post on her blog, or you can see it here on YouTube.

What I will embed below is the video of Clay singing Good News - I had heard fans raving about this song, but had never really heard a version of the song which spoke to me until this video. Thanks for putting it on your blog, TheClayBlog! Here it is - enjoy! I love it more and more each time I view it. :-)

-- ClayKat

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Poll results - What moves you most about Clay Aiken?

Hello everyone,

You might have noticed that every so often, I put out a Blogpoll. You will find the current one in the top, right-hand column of my blog: "How do you feel about Clay's new hairdo?"

I have decided to present the results of my last poll as a table - at least, I hope it will work (still learning my HTML codes!) In the last poll, I asked you what moved you most about Clay Aiken, whether his voice, his charisma, etc. I closed off the poll at a total of 120 votes. Here's the tally:

What moves you most about Clay Aiken?Poll results
ReplyPercentage of votesNumber of votes
his voice69.2%83
his charisma14.2%17
his community and humanitarian involvement4.2%5
his faith4.2%5
other (write me a comment to tell me what)4.2%5
his look2.5%3
his friendliness1.7%2
his education0%0

Clearly, Clay's voice wins hands down as what moves my respondents most - 83% said so. No surprise there! For the next greatest perceptage of people - 14.2% - Clay's charisma is what moves them the most.

After that, the same number of people participating in this poll - 4.2% - chose one of three responses: either Clay's community and humanitarian involvement, his faith, or "other". I asked people to explain if they chose "other". One reader said that it was impossible to choose one factor over another. For her, it is all of the characteristics together which lead to the wonderful person that is Clay Aiken! Kudos to her for that insight!

2.5% chose Clay's look as what moves them the most. His friendliness moves 1.7% of respondents most of all. No one chose Clay's education as what moves them the most. Wish I knew what those who chose "other" were thinking of, but they mostly didn't leave comments to explain.

I'm not surprised about the results; I was sure Clay's voice would dwarf other results. However, I expected that Clay's community and humanitarian involvements would equal his charisma, in the minds of many respondents. But the latter got three times the votes that the former received.

Let me just say that of course, this poll is not scientific in any shape or form! I just put polls out there for fun, from time to time.

So don't forget to answer the current one about Clay's new look (read: hair)!

-- ClayKat

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