Friday, June 16, 2006

Oh no! I missed a supper for Clay fans in my city!

Double darn! I discovered late this evening that yesterday, there was a supper gathering of Clay fans here in my city!! The invitation had been posted on The Clayboard and I learned of it from a post on Clay's Daily Double - Ads/News June 15th.

I missed it!! :-( If I had known in time, I could have made it - would have cancelled what I had planned for yesterday evening. Oh well! That'll teach me to check the Clayboard more often... I just registered officially for an EZboard account, so I'll get into the habit now.

There will be a next time to meet Claymates in person, I'm sure. And I'm looking forward to it, because although a number of you have written to me through comments on my blog, I have never actually met a fan of Clay Aiken in person! Amazing eh? Except of course my fellow Jukebox Tour concert attendees, last summer (you can read here, here and here my three-part post describing my first and only - but not last I hope! - Clay concert experience).

I can't wait to meet other Clay fans, because people around me, including my family, just don't get it... They don't get Clay's "IT factor", so they find my passion about the man and his music quite mysterious. But I know that other fans will understand, as I understand them in their devotion to Clay.

Here's to meeting some of you sometime soon! A CD launch party in the Montreal area, perhaps? :-)

-- ClayKat
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