Friday, June 16, 2006

"Good News" - let's smile, The ClayBlog's here!

Hello everyone,

My goodness it has been a while! Usually I try to post once a week, but what with my hubby's birthday last weekend and crazy amounts of work recently, plus the multiple events in a few teenagers' lives that keep me busy... well, it was impossible before today.

In my occasional few free minutes here and there, I have been touring the blogosphere and the net in general, though, especially - of course - on the lookout for anything Clay Aiken. And there is lots!

I would like to share with you a blog which for me is what I would call here in Québec a "coup de coeur" (literally, a "blow to the heart"), which translates as something like: "favourite" or "special hit". That is The ClayBlog. Yesterday, the author posted "Why I Care about Clay". I truly enjoyed reading her post - and I get it! She writes "...the first thing that hit me was The Voice. THAT VOICE. Words cannot really describe it. If it hits you, you know. It's a voice that drills a hole into your soul and touches you." Let me say: "I know"! I so know about that feeling, which I get time and time again when, after listening to other singers, I come back to Clay and just feel so much love and peace in my soul, through his voice and his spirit which reach out to all.

The ClayBlog did her own montage on Clay, to music by Jewel - and it is great! She said it was her first montage - hopefully not her last! I won't embed it here since it is her own creation and I think due credit should be given, if only by visits to her blog; check it out by going to this post on her blog, or you can see it here on YouTube.

What I will embed below is the video of Clay singing Good News - I had heard fans raving about this song, but had never really heard a version of the song which spoke to me until this video. Thanks for putting it on your blog, TheClayBlog! Here it is - enjoy! I love it more and more each time I view it. :-)

-- ClayKat

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TheClayBlog said...

Thanks for the mention! Glad you liked my blog! As I'm sure you know, when you write a blog entry, you never know if it will resonate with people or what they will think. I've been very lucky so far!

ClayKat said...

Thanks for your comment! Yup, it is a big unknown when one posts online... but for me too, it has been very positive, the feedback I've received. We Clay fans are very supportive, seems to me! And to those people who take pleasure in attacking Clay or his fans, well, I just ignore them. :-)

Congrats again on your blog and your montage!
