Friday, May 19, 2006

Proud to be a Clay Aiken fan

Hello everyone,

I just read a blog post which I really enjoyed - and can relate to! Thought I would share it with you. The author of the blog entitled Show Me Love, Show Me Life says: "Yes, I'm a Clay Aiken fan.......Why do you ask?" She got me at the title!

The author writes about how she discovered Clay - like me, at his first audition in January 2003, when jaws dropped across North America at the sound of that voice coming out of that body. In my case, I actually had tears in my eyes, he pulled my heartstrings so much. The blogger writes about Clay's so-called "It" factor, which fans of Clay all recognize, but which is so difficult to explain to those who don't see it (and how come they don't see it, anyway - it's so obvious to us?!).

The post goes on to describe how she became involved in the online fandom after going to one of Clay's concerts - just like I did. I loved Clay from that first moment in AI2, bought his CD's, DVD, book, looked out for him on TV etc. But for some reason I never really explored the Web world of Clay until after I attended the Jukebox Tour last summer.

I love that the blogger describes how she began to write through online fan fiction, meeting other writers and Clay fans, developing her skill, honing her talents. Who knows if that would have happened had she never known Clay? Here is yet another example of the positive effect Clay has in our lives!
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Peggy Walker said...

I am really enjoying reading about your Clay adventures. It sounds like you are making up for lost time. I'm glad you made it to the Jukebox Tour. It was really special.

Can't wait to read more!!

Anonymous said...

It was just the best, wasn't it? Thanks for sharing.

ClayKat said...

Thanks for the support, permaswooned. And congrats on your blog, too! I don't really feel like I'm making up for lost time, I'm just enjoying the time, here-and-now, with Clay as a great influence in my life. Although yes, in some ways, I wish I had discovered the online Clay fan world earlier on. But better late than never, I say! :-)
