Monday, May 22, 2006

Clay Aiken fan blogs

Hello everyone,

I am just amazed by the recent explosion in Clay fan blogs. It's great! Mine has been going since last October, which I thought qualified for pretty recent. But in the last few weeks - count 'em, weeks! - I have noticed a marked increase in the number of blogs not only mentioning Clay, but, like ClayKat, devoted exclusively or almost exclusively to this incredible singer. I figure fans are so eager to hear Clay's upcoming album, and see him once again in the public eye, that they are creating blogs to at least share our love for this young man and make the wait less difficult!

To find some of these other fan blogs, see the "Links" section in the right-hand column of my blog. Under the sub-heading "Search tools for finding Clack", you will find the following entries, which I comment below:

- Fan blogs about Clay Aiken on Technorati - these blogs focus exclusively or almost exclusively, on Clay;
- Blog posts mentioning Clay Aiken, referenced by Technorati - this link leads one to posts on any blog referenced by Technorati and which mention Clay, no matter how small the mention;
- Blogs and blog posts mentioning Clay Aiken, referenced by Blogger: this takes one to posts and blogs referenced by Blogger (my blog host and one of the main, free blog hosting services).

Unfortunately, along with the good, you will also find the ugly: posts and blogs full of hate, slander and discrimination, spreading rumours and nasty accusations about Clay, which I believe to be ridiculous. I guess freedom of expression has to dominate, so all one can do is ignore them and pass on by, while heading towards the pearls of life which celebrate and affirm Clay in words and music. Like ClayKat! Happy blogging! :-)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen all the blogs regarding Clay as well. I think it's great. I love your site.