Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Clay Aiken hotlinks

Hello everyone,

Has anyone noticed the new section in my right-hand column? Entitled "My 20 most recent "" Clay Aiken hotlinks", it is just below my Technorati blog search tool - scroll down the right-hand column a bit to see it. Look for this symbol:

What is that, you are wondering? I bet some of you are thinking lascivious thoughts, because of its title: ""! Well, no folks, that's not the way I'm thinking! Let me explain. is an online social bookmarking tool (free, too!) which allows one to save and tag bookmarks one wants to keep for further reference and access from anywhere one has the Internet. I love it! Among other things, it has allowed me to build up an interesting collection of Clay Aiken bookmarks, which, instead of being saved on just my personal computer, get saved onto the Internet, searchable through the
search tag: "Clay Aiken". And once I save a bookmark, anyone, anywhere in the world, can access and save those bookmarks too.

I decided to integrate into my blog, an evolving list of my 20 most recent Clay Aiken online finds (including Web sites, blogs, forums, listservs, etc.). As soon as I save a new bookmark into my account, it automatically appears at the top of the list in that space on my blog. And if you click on the title text: "click on this title to access all of the hotlinks", you will be directly taken to all the hotlinks tagged Clay Aiken (there are currently over 100 of them so far!).

Social bookmarking tools such as are one of the hallmarks of the so-called Web 2.0 phenomenon, where the Internet is evolving towards a more interactive, dynamic, people-centered, accessible media for all. That's the way I like it! If I find something fun and useful online, I want to share it with others, and Web 2.0 features allow me to do so.

How can you benefit from these new Clay hotlinks? Here are some of the many ways:

- you can check out my blog often and see if there are any new hotlinks added to my 20-most-recent list
- you can save the RSS feed to my Clay links so you will automatically be alerted when a new hotlink is added to my list
- you can check out' Clay Aiken hotlinks on a regular basis
- or save the feed for all Clay Aiken-tagged bookmarks in

And there are undoubtedly other ways which I haven't yet figured out! I'm still learning about this wonderful adventure that is the Web, and how to use it to improve myself, contribute to others' lives and have fun in the process, particularly to share my admiration for Clay!

Technorati tags:


Arquen_Mahtala said...

Thank you for the info. I went and signed up, now I am going to start tagging!

Rose said...

Thanks for the article. I'm going to check it out too.