Hello everyone,
I am floored by just how bigoted and prejudiced people can be! I just read
a recent article about some fans suing Clay and his record label, "following tabloid allegations he's gay". I could just scream! My goodness people, get a life!
Suing Clay about something so personal?
So what if Clay is gay? I just hope he's happy, no matter who is with, no matter the gender his loved one may be.
I hate tabloids, and I find disgraceful the allegations that floated about in one earlier this year. I will not dignify their behaviour by giving a link to that garbage. Just as bad: the man who supposedly "told all". I just feel bad for Clay being subjected to that, and in such a public way to boot.
But nine (former) Clay fans suing him and his record company because they supposedly created an image of Clay as being a "'Virginal, Asexual Character'" whereas he might not be (God forbid Clay might be a sexual being!)? There are no words for how low and despicable that is.
Clay is not some dream character; he is a real young man, a human being with diverse needs, wants, strengths and weaknesses, just like any one of us. And most of his fans love him no matter what, because we know he is fundamentally one of the good guys on this earth, someone to look up to, a real role model.
I just had to get out my frustration with the nasty people-who-have-lots-of-time-to-waste who are intentionally doing something to hurt Clay. Enough said.