Sunday, January 07, 2007

Clay in my dreams...

Well, it finally happened. It was bound to occur eventually, given the big Clayfan I am. I'm not sure whether to be happy or... worried. I dreamt of Clay last night.

Before you go thinking any funny thoughts, no! It wasn't that kind of dream! Though it was sweet and cozy. I don't remember everything, but I do remember being in a big house - not a house I know from somewhere in real life, though. There were a lot of people around, and I recall sitting at a large round table at breakfast, among various aunts and uncles, cousins and other family members of Clay, people of all ages. Lots of people, yet the mood in the house was quiet and peaceful, no stress, no yelling, no loud noises. The man himself was still upstairs sleeping, and I was expecting his Mom Faye Parker to come down any minute to join us for breakfast. At one point I was thinking to myself: "Why am I wearing jeans and a t-shirt? I should have worn nicer clothes than this". Whis is funny, because I never wear jeans. I think I have this idea that southerners dress up more often.

I have vague memories of what had happened the evening before, alone with Clay, and I was aware that there were lots of people in the house. We were lying down and chatting, and I felt so at home with him. He had his former look: the spiky, short hair, and somehow, though he was his current age, I was also his age - about 15 years younger than I am in real life. I remember thinking how much we had in common and how comfortable I felt with him, just being myself. And I even thought of other Clay fans in my dream, telling myself that I almost felt guilty, because other Claymates would so want to be where I was at that moment.

I think I'll leave some other details of the dream for myself - gotta keep some of the mystery personal! Suffice it to say we were decent. :-) I wish the dream had gone on longer. I woke up when Clay and I were talking and sharing an emotionally intimate moment together...

-- ClayKat

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