Thursday, December 08, 2005

What would you say to Clay if you met him?

Like other Claymates, I sometimes imagine what I would say if I ever met (when I meet? - here's to dreaming!) Clay in person.

Although I am 15 years his senior, I'm sure I would blush and stutter, out of sheer emotion at meeting this amazing young man. Then I would probably say something like "I feel so privileged to meet you Clay; I can't tell you how much joy and hope you have brought to my life." I know many of us imagine experiencing a real connection with Clay - and so do I. I imagine him looking into my eyes, and really seeing me, talking with me, not just as another fan at a meet-and-greet, but as a (potential) friend. I fantasize about him asking if I want to get together with him later that day, and we do, and we talk all night, a real heart-to-heart about life, love, commitment, purpose and social justice.

If it were earlier on in my life, say 15 years ago (I would be Clay's age), I would undoubtedly fall in love with Clay and imagine us as a couple. But being in my forties now, I feel more like an older sister doting on her beloved younger brother.

Clay has such a rich spiritual life, and is such a wise, sensitive soul, that I would love to just spend time with him, walking and talking, sharing about our lives, goals and experiences coming from histories of abuse and neglect. I know we would have lots to talk about! And I know I would come away from such a meeting with a feeling of being uplifted, of increased strength to meet the challenges in my own life.

What would you say to Clay if you met him in person?

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