Thursday, December 29, 2005

"More to this life"

A song I downloaded recently from a Clayfan site speaks to me more than most. I don't know where Clay sang it, because it clearly wasn't at a concert (there are no screaming fans!), nor is it on any of his albums. It was perhaps from the album he recorded after he graduated from high school (it was his Mom's graduation gift!). Maybe, because though it is obviously Clay's pure voice, he is not yet as polished or as solid as his voice is now, in his mid-20s.

The song which moves me has the following phrase: "There's more to this life than living and dying, more than just trying to make it through the day". It gives me hope and energy to continue every day, even when I am down - or worse. It tells me to think about the greater purpose of my life and my place in the universe, rather than focus on the daily trials and tribulations which can mobilize all one's attention and energy if one lets them. And goodness knows, I'm no better than the next person in avoiding being caught in the daily trap of rush-rush-rush and complaining.

You can download "More to this life" by going to the demo MP3 page on the All Things Clay Aiken Web site.

I love the fact that Clay's songs always have meaning. He refuses to sing songs which have no meaning, which are devoid of his own values or which in fact, go against his values. I respect that about him. He is such a unique singer and star in that sense, as well as many other ways, of course!

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