Friday, October 28, 2005

What makes a true Claymate (Clay Aiken fan)?

I have a hard time with the Sally-come-latelys who began to be fans of Clay Aiken only once he became popular. They are also often the ones who swoon over his "sexiness", his eyes, his etc. etc. Blah! I liked Clay the moment he first opened his mouth at his American Idol audition, regardless of his so-called "geeky" look. See for yourself - you can see the video of his audition here:

Throughout the AI process, Clay changed his look... and the teeny-boppers jumped on the bandwagon in droves as he became more pop-idol-like in his appearance.

Clay during American Idol2 after a number of weeks... Posted by Picasa

Like so many other true fans (thank goodness, we are legion), I "came for the voice, stayed for the man", as I got to know him over time and learned to love his talent as a singer and his endearing spirit as a person, no matter what he looks - or looked - like.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Clay relaxing during the 2005 Jukebox Tour

Clay relaxing during the 2005 Jukebox Tour Posted by Picasa

Clay fall picture

Clay fall picture Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"When doves cry"... the crowd's supportive reaction

At one of his concerts this past summer, during the Jukebox Tour, Clay sang Prince's well-known song "When Doves Cry" (in my opinion, he sang it much better than Prince himself - but that's another story, because obviously I'm biased!).

One of the lines goes "Maybe I'm just like my father...too cold". The first couple of times I listened to the recording, I noticed the crowd roaring its disapproval whenever Clay sang that line, and I wondered why. Then I figured out what was going on: fans were chanting: "Noooooo" when Clay sang that particular line, letting him know that he is a warm and loving person - not at all cold, like his father and stepfather were in real life!

And that's the difference between Clay fans (or "Claymates") and fans of other singers / pop stars: we truly care about Clay, how he is and feels and who he is as a person. We know how sensitive and warm he is - and we let him know we care in every way possible!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Clay's concerts

I so wish I could attend Clay's Joyful Noise 2005 tour , which will be launched in Vancouver, Canada next week (November 2nd). The band will then cross back over to the United States and proceed to give 39 more shows from west to east, ending on December 30th in the U.S. southeast, in Clearwater, Florida. Unfortunately, none of the concerts is really close enough for me to get there without having to miss work and spend a ton of money, so I'll have to wait until Clay heads out to my neck of the woods. Here's hoping that will be for his 2006 tour !

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Learning to Sing" - Clay's autobiographical book

Reading Clay's autobiographical book (from all of his 26 years, at the time of publication!) is how I truly got to know the man, his life, his thoughts, experiences, desires and feelings. It is very moving to learn of the challenges he faced in terms of his family life and as a young teen, at school, where he was bullied.

"Learning to Sing" - Clay's autobiographical book Posted by Picasa

You can check out his book at your local library, or order his book on or on

Friday, October 21, 2005

Clay the humanitarian: UNICEF and the Bubel / Aiken Foundation

One of the things I love most about Clay is his social conscience.

As a teacher specialized in working with children with disabilities, he decided to commit his life to making a difference, especially with children. During his studies, he set up the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, whose mission "is to provide services and financial assistance to facilitate fully the integration of children with disabilities into the life environment of those without", by creating awareness "about the diversity of individuals with disabilities and the possibilities inclusion can bring".

He is also an ambassador for UNICEF, the United Nations' international agency for children's rights. UNICEF's purpose is "to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path", a mission that Clay can relate to I'm sure, considering his commitment to children, human rights and justice for every person, anywhere in our world. So far I know he has been to Aceh, Indonesia:

Clay in Aceh with UNICEF Posted by Picasa

... and to Uganda:

Clay in Uganda with UNICEF Posted by Picasa

... and probably other places too.

Inclusion. Love. Fun. Life. Four words which express values dear to Clay Aiken!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Clay close-up

Clay close-up ;Posted by Picasa

Gotta love that sweet face as he concentrates on belting out those rich tones!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

One of the most sensitive, loving men...

Clay dancing with quadriplegic woman Posted by Picasa

Just this week I discovered many Clay fan sites, and one included a number of photos, including this one. When I saw this picture and read the caption, I burst into tears right away, out of awe before the beauty of Clay's soul... During a concert, he noticed a quadriplegic fan who was dancing as she could, by moving her head to the beat of his music. He went to her and lifted her out of her chair, held her close and danced with her while singing. What other pop star would ever do such a touching, moving thing? He is truly a great spirit, treating all people as equals, no matter their ability, age, gender, health, colour or ethnic origin.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Clay Aiken is the best!

I had to start this blog to share with others the joy that I feel by listening to Clay Aiken's beautiful voice, seeing his smile, reading his book - feeling his spirit! When I first heard this young man audition on season 2 of American Idol in January 2003, tears came to my eyes - his rich and vibrant voice touched me right away, as it has so very many people then and since.

Clay on American Idol Posted by Picasa

I watched Clay all the way through the Idol competition, cheering him on, learning to get to know the person as well as the voice - at least, as much as one can when one is only a public spectator, not a close friend. And I came to feel very tender-hearted about this radiant young man with the heart of gold. He is truly a gift to this world. He is certainly a gift in my life. Clay may have come in second on American Idol - and goodness knows I liked winner Ruben Studdard a lot too - but Clay was always number one in my mind (and the minds of so many others, as we have seen with his popularity since that time).

He has so much love for people, such humility and such openness to everyone, no matter how small, how young or old, attractive or not, disabled or not. He does not judge people, he sees the individuality and the humanity which is equal in each one of us. And when he sings, he sings to our souls! He sings in my heart, that's for sure, and I can't help smiling whenever I hear his voice.

And yet Clay has much to be sad / mad / resentful for. His childhood was not easy, and neither his biological father nor his stepfather ever really recognized the special person he is. I mostly feel sad that they missed out on being an active part of this incredible young person's life - and his heart. But Clay is wise, young though he is (he will be 27 next month) and he is compassionate. He understands that those two men, who should have been central in Clay's life, had their own important limitations which made it impossible for them to reach out properly and be true fathers for Clay. Having gone through an abusive childhood myself, I can relate to how he feels, but I wish I had Clay's wisdom in accepting what he had to go through.

I am a middle-aged woman in my forties myself, but Clay Aiken, all almost-27 that he is, is one of the wisest people I know and one of the ones I admire most in this world.