Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Remembering Sharie

I first posted the message below yesterday on The Clayboard - A Clay Aiken Message Board. When I heard my dear friend Sharie passed away Monday evening, my first thought was to write a tribute to her, and post it in a place where fans of Clay Aiken gather. I met Sharie on Clay's fanclub so many years ago, back when he had a chatroom and discussion boards on his website.

💓💙💚💛💜            💓💙💚💛💜
Hello everyone,

I don't come here very often anymore, although I remain a big fan of Clay's, always and forever.

Years ago, on Clay's old fanclub website, he had a chatroom. A number of us gathered there regularly to share about Our Clay, and I became good friends there with Sharie, from around 2005 or 2006. Unfortunately I don't recall her chatroom handle (mine was ClayKath)...

Sharie passed away late Monday, and I feel the need to come here and pay tribute to her, here among Clay-fans, since it is as fans that we met and forged a friendship that lasted over a dozen years.

Sharie always loved Clay, as I did and do. Although like Clay, she could be snarky sometimes! Ah, the laughs we shared! And the joy we had, sharing clack and seeing and hearing that beautiful voice through the years. We shared tears too, when loved ones died, and when we both went through life challenges, as everyone does.

In these last few weeks, while Sharie was in palliative care, I sent her links to some wonderful videos of Clay in concert, to make her smile and laugh:
Sharie, I will always remember you! Please make lots of people in heaven become Clay-fans.

Love to you always,
your "Canadian Kath"

Friday, November 30, 2018

Happy 40th birthday, Clay Aiken! And welcome to middle age!

Dear Clay,

When I first heard your wonderful voice, at that fateful audition of yours that was broadcast on American Idol in January, 2003, I was just about the age you are now. You were a relative youngster of 24 at that time. So much has happened in the almost-16 years since then - in your life, and in mine as well.

Through it all, you have always, since that moment, been my favourite male vocalist of all time - and a person I admire tremendously. I have been your fan through thick and thin - and will remain so, always and forever.

And now you are middle-aged. Welcome to the club! I don't feel so much like we belong to different generations any more! 😀

I wish you today and always, every happiness, and fulfillment in everything you do.

♫♪♬♩ Happy birthday, Clay! ♫♪♬♩

Sunday, January 28, 2018

15 years ago today!

This morning, I was looking at today's date and wondering why it rang a bell for me... Someone's birthday? No... A forgotten commitment? No...

Then when checking out my newsfeeds, I saw this post on the Clay Aiken News Network blog. Aha, that's it! January 28th, 2003 was the date Clay's first audition was broadcast on TV, at the beginning of the second season of American Idol. I saved that audition on a VHS tape for years, and listened to it over and over again in the days and weeks following that broadcast. I now have it in a .MP3 file on my cellphone. THAT VOICE! You know what I mean... the voice that hooked us from the first note. The voice that seems to speak to one's soul like no other.

It's amazing to think that it has been 15 years since that first moment when we heard Clay Aiken sing. Since then, I've seen him live in concert a few times, and followed his career and activities from afar.

So today I say congratulations and thank you, Clay! You have given so much joy to so many of us fans! And not only through your voice, but also through the content of your character. You are a sensitive, witty, socially-engaged man with a big heart.

Happy 15th anniversary to other Clay fans out there!

To read the full post on Clay Aiken News Network and stroll down memory lane: click on the picture below or go to:

-- ClayKat
A fan, "Always and Forever"!

Picture of post from Clay Aiken News Network, with American Idol logo and photo of Clay at first audition

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wishing a happy 36th birthday to you, Clay!

Dear Clay,

It has been quite the year for you! It has been for me, too, but that's not the point of this post.  :-)

Please know that I have been quietly rooting for you as you ventured into the political arena, and I was sorry to hear you did not win a seat in Congress. Those of us who have followed your life since 2003 know you would have made an excellent elected representative. You aren't "just" a singer, as some say. You are a committed, informed, bright, wise and deeply human man with integrity in spades. As you said yourself, your efforts aren't over and you will remain active in politics, endeavouring to win a seat in the future. This can only be good news for politics in the USA.

Today, I hope you are enjoying a relaxing day, surrounded by loved ones and receiving lots of love and affection. And of course, with music - always music!

Happy birthday, Clay!


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy 35th birthday, Clay!

Dear Clay,

Already another birthday! No, I'm not talking about yours, I'm talking about my upcoming birthday!  ;-)  Yes, Clay, my fellow Sagittarian, it will soon be my birthday too.

But seriously, never mind me - today is your birthday, my favourite singer-man! And if my basic math skills serve me well, it is your 35th, which means you are now middle-aged. Welcome to the club!

For most of your adult life, I have watched you grow, as a musician and as a person. Coming out into the spotlight in 2003 on American Idol, then fading a bit out of the public eye, but still living your own life, with us long-term fans always faithfully by your side.

Through the happy times and the terrible times where people doubted you, or put you down, I have always admired you and supported you, as many of us Clay-fans have. And on this day, your birthday, please allow me to say thank you for sharing your gifts with the world! The world is without question, a better place because of you. Your musical talents, your sensitivity, your sense of social justice and your quirky sense of humour bring so much joy, to me and to many others.

I wish you a very happy birthday, Clay, and a wonderful year full of happiness, fulfillment and good health to you and your family!