Saturday, December 10, 2005

How does Clay stay so busy?

I'm always amazed at how active Clay is, doing six tours in just over two years. Two years in which he also did the following:

- set up and remains involved in the The Bubel/Aiken Foundation
- finished up and received his undergraduate degree in special education
- began working part-time for The Insider
- wrote a book - "Learning to Sing"
- hosted and participated in a number of television shows, including Christmas specials
- recorded and released two highly acclaimed albums ( Measure of a Man and Merry Christmas With Love )
- and lots more!

Clay is a highly sensitive person, and usually sensitive people need lots of time to themselves to wind down and process all the emotions they go through (I speak from experience!), but Clay seems to thrive on action, activity and having lots of people around, such that he has little alone-time and he's always on the go. I wish I could be more like him!

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