Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh ye of evil intent, stay away from Clay

Hello everyone,

I debated making this rant-post, but in the end I decided to post it, because this is MY blog and I post what I like, particularly having to do with Clay Aiken and my feelings about him and his work.

I just need to share my anger at some people who for some sick reason, get kicks out of goading Clay, in his very face, in his home-state... Clay's summer tour stopped in Cary, North Carolina last night, and as well as the huge crowd of Clay fans, there was a certain someone in the audience with bad intent, a person who has slandered Clay and made false accusations in early 2006. If that guy - who will remain nameless because I will not provide links nor an easy way to find his garbage - had a shread of decency in him, he would not have bought tickets to Clay's concert, for goodness' sake! He would have stayed far away. It just makes me sad to think how Clay must have felt last night, during the concert, knowing those nasty eyes were on him.

I am happy to learn, despite my and others' feelings about this man, that there were no incidents having to do with him, at the concert. However, the handshake line that Clay often does after his concerts, was cancelled for security reasons. Ah, let's see... what could those be? Could they have to do with the evil-doer? In my opinion - of course that's why the handshake line was cancelled! So thanks to that ill-intentioned guy, hundreds of peaceful, Clay-loving fans did not get to shake Clay's hands - and I bet that Clay himself was somewhat shaken by the situation.

Well, that's enough of a rant for me! I want to focus on the light, the good, people's strength and beauty. Not dwell on the bad things people do in this world. But I needed to get this off my chest today. Who knows. I may delete this post later on.

I hope to goodness' sake that this evening things will be back to normal for Clay's concert in Asheville, North Carolina. I wish this very much, for all of us fans, especially those of you who will be there this evening! And most of all, I wish this for Clay and his family, so they can just enjoy the evening surrounded by love, as it should be.

-- ClayKat

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Anonymous said...

Hi ClayKat.

It was a shame for Clay and the fans, but I feel a sense of victory at the way this "appearance" was handled. After weeks of anticipating the worst, the fans adopted Clay's attitude of ignoring the bullies. No drama, no tense moments, just a wonderful performance by Clay, The Man of Steel.

It's behind us now. We all survived, and I feel that for the first time in years we can move on in peace.

Claynation amazes me and I thank each and every fan who was at Cary last night.

PS, I was your walk mate on the way to Meadowbrook. It was a pleasure meeting you!

ClayKat said...

Hi there!

Thanks for your message! It was nice to meet you in Gilford too.

So you also went to last night's concert in Cary - that's great. And I'm so glad to hear that things went well and there wasn't tension. I feel relieved actually - I was worried about fans being upset, as well as Clay.

Hope to see you again some day!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you did not get to touch clays hands! but someone should of walk that hater out of the concert! was he near clay to see him close up? thanks I do feel bad for clay but glad he did not get hurt.

Unknown said...

Thanks ClayKat for this post... I was personally not aware of this until I read this...

What a sick person and like keepclaysafe said ... good on all the Raleigh Claymates and Team Clay for handling this well.

ClayKat said...

Hi there littleclay and clayisouridol,

Thanks for your comments. littleclay - I wasn't at the Cary concert, so it was the fans there who did not get to touch Clay's hand, not me. Apparently security could not ask the guy to leave, but they did keep an eye on him and the evening went well, so that's great.

I don't know for sure if he was near the stage, but I think so, from what I have heard. I am also very glad that the evening went so well - yay for Clay fans, Team Clay and Clay himself!


Anonymous said...

Just plain psycho.No matter how these people try to ruin Clay and what he represents, they will never succeed. Clay has the strenght of a bull. He has his family who loves him and his fans who will always be there for him through thick and thin. What good will these people gain by ruining Clay's reputaion, anyway. Really, I want to know.