Sunday, September 02, 2007

Clay slideshow - summer 2007 pictures

Hello everyone,

I recently found a neat little free widget service which allows one to make an online slideshow out of photos. So I thought I would test it out with some of my favourite pictures of Clay from this summer's tour.


My thanks to all the clack gatherers who took these pictures and shared them with us online.

-- ClayKat

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Anonymous said...

That's terrific!! Thank you for sharing.
I have a question. Is it okay to use the photos that have been put online if they have the person's label on them? I don't want to get in trouble.

ClayKat said...

Hi Dee,

Thanks for your comment!

My understanding is that it is okay to use online photos as long as we include the tags/labels/id stuff they come with, and as long as we respect special requests. For example, some photographers include notes with their pictures such as: "not to be posted to XYZ website".

Thanks again,
