Friday, August 31, 2007

Let's blog about Clay today, World Blog Day

Hello everyone,

Blog Day 2007 Today is the third World Blog Day, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk, once again, about my favourite singer and one of my favourite role models: Clay Aiken. Here's what the organizers/initiators of this Day say about it:

What is BlogDay?

BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors. With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.

Now, I get that the idea is to get to know five previously unknown (to onesself) bloggers. I will partially do that, but I also can't resist sharing some of my current favourite Clay blogs, because they're just so very good.

Here's what is suggested to do, for those of you who want to join in the fun and blog today (whether about Clay or not):

BlogDay posting instructions:

1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them as part of BlogDay 2007
3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
5. Add the BlogDay tag using this link: and a link to the BlogDay web site at

Here are the 5 blogs I have chosen to share with you. Enjoy!

1. Clay's Daily Double (my favourite)

My #1 source of information, links, clack and everything else on Clay - I highly recommend it. Sometimes I think the gals at CDD know what Clay's up to before he does himself! Last year, Clay's Daily Double was named the Best Clay Aiken Website 2006 by the Clammy Awards, a well-deserved recognition.

2. The NeutralZone (new to me - I like what I've read)

The NeutralZone is a gathering place to discuss Clay Aiken’s music, and other topics of interest, with common sense and common decency. We would like posters to be able to share ideas and opinions, both positive and negative.

I like that this blogger has a very respectful way of allowing dissent on anything, including anything-Clay. I of course love Clay, but he is also a human being, not perfect, so I think it is courageous of this blogger to open up their blog to different ideas and opinions, while clearly stating that disrespect will not be allowed.

3. Excuse Me While I Take A Moment

Well, who in the online Clay fandom doesn't know Jemock, author of this blog? This fan has a quick wit, an incredible sense of humour and she candidly shares her thoughts about Our Man. If you can read one of her posts without smiling - or more like it, cracking up hysterically - well... I wouldn't know what to say to you!

4. WebWeaver's World (I've visited before, but clearly not often enough)

A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and my Teevy boyfriend, Clay Aiken.

I enjoy the diversity of blogging subjects of this blogger. She integrates her passion for Clay into different aspects of her life, and she has many interests - check her out.

5. All That Is Clay Aiken - The Voice, The Heart, The Man

Why this blog? Just because I like it. The blogger enjoys Clay and posts often - which is a good thing in the coming-and-going world of blogging where some remain dormant for years...

So go check out some Clay fan blogs! There are lots out there! Enjoy. And happy Blog Day 2007!

-- ClayKat

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friendships and joy through Clay

Hello everyone,

Summer's drawing to a close, and Clay's tour - officially called "An Evening With Clay Aiken" (but unofficially: "Between a Soft Rock and a Hard Place Tour") - ended in Orlando, Florida a week ago today. Has it really only been a week? It feels like much longer ago that I was attending online cellcerts (CELLphone conCERTS) and hearing what witty, hilarious and/or touching thing Clay was doing or saying at a particular concert.

I feel fortunate to have been able to see one concert this summer (see my concert recap here) and I hope to be able to attend one of his upcoming winter concerts not too far from me, in December.

The joy that Clay brings to my life is difficult to describe. There is, of course, his Voice. In my opinion, (one of) the strongest male vocalist around today. There is no other I hear who moves me so much - to love, to ache, to cry... to feel. There are incredible voices out there, but Clay is in a league of his own.

And then, there is his personality and his charisma: Clay's charming self-deprecatory banter, his goofiness, his ability to laugh at the small things in life and not take himself too seriously, his all-encompassing and focused attention to the person he is with, his love and respect for all human beings, no matter our colour, gender, age, disAbility, size...

His compassion and social activism, well, there's no question he wins me over there. He is committed to working for inclusion, particularly inclusion of children who happen to have an intellectual disability and are marginalized because of this, but who are nevertheless children, deserving of love and inclusion in all aspects of life.

And last but not least, Clay gives me joy through the connections I have made with other Clay fans. I guess I started this blog almost two years ago now, for two reasons: to connect with other Clay fans, and to express my feelings about Clay using my favourite medium: the written word. Now, my blog isn't the biggest or most-visited Clay fan blog or site, for sure, but I have "met" other fans through this, as well as through Clay's official online fan club. I visit the fan club's message boards, and occasionally, other boards such as The Clayboard, but somehow for me, what I like best is to chat live with other Clay fans.

Almost a year ago now, the online fan club set up a new feature: a chat room. It didn't take me long to knock on the door, go in and get to know a bunch of regular online chatters. Mostly women, of all ages and geographical locations, but all brought together by our admiration for Clay and the joy that he gives us. Some chatters I connect with more than others, of course, due to personality and interests, which is normal. And who knows? Perhaps real-life friendships will result from some of these online bonds of affection and common interests. I hope so. I think they will.

This morning on YouTube, I discovered a montage put up just hours ago by "suereu", called "Clay, Thanks for the Memories". If you are a Clay fan, you will love it! For a walk back down some of the fun and touching moments of this summer's tour, check it out:

-- ClayKat

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh ye of evil intent, stay away from Clay

Hello everyone,

I debated making this rant-post, but in the end I decided to post it, because this is MY blog and I post what I like, particularly having to do with Clay Aiken and my feelings about him and his work.

I just need to share my anger at some people who for some sick reason, get kicks out of goading Clay, in his very face, in his home-state... Clay's summer tour stopped in Cary, North Carolina last night, and as well as the huge crowd of Clay fans, there was a certain someone in the audience with bad intent, a person who has slandered Clay and made false accusations in early 2006. If that guy - who will remain nameless because I will not provide links nor an easy way to find his garbage - had a shread of decency in him, he would not have bought tickets to Clay's concert, for goodness' sake! He would have stayed far away. It just makes me sad to think how Clay must have felt last night, during the concert, knowing those nasty eyes were on him.

I am happy to learn, despite my and others' feelings about this man, that there were no incidents having to do with him, at the concert. However, the handshake line that Clay often does after his concerts, was cancelled for security reasons. Ah, let's see... what could those be? Could they have to do with the evil-doer? In my opinion - of course that's why the handshake line was cancelled! So thanks to that ill-intentioned guy, hundreds of peaceful, Clay-loving fans did not get to shake Clay's hands - and I bet that Clay himself was somewhat shaken by the situation.

Well, that's enough of a rant for me! I want to focus on the light, the good, people's strength and beauty. Not dwell on the bad things people do in this world. But I needed to get this off my chest today. Who knows. I may delete this post later on.

I hope to goodness' sake that this evening things will be back to normal for Clay's concert in Asheville, North Carolina. I wish this very much, for all of us fans, especially those of you who will be there this evening! And most of all, I wish this for Clay and his family, so they can just enjoy the evening surrounded by love, as it should be.

-- ClayKat

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